Three stars for Tameside
The delivery of the £7.2 million Supporting People programme provided by Tameside council is excellent with excellent prospects to continue to improve, according to an independent report released by the Audit Commission.
On a scale of zero to three stars, the Audit Commission, in partnership with inspectors from Her Majesty`s Inspectorate of Probation and Commission for Social Care Inspection, gave the council a three star excellent rating.
Simon Clarke, lead housing inspector at the Audit Commission, said: Tameside is demonstrating how effective partnership working can deliver significant improvements in the lives and choices available to some of the borough`s most vulnerable people. It is delivering housing related support services in the innovative way intended by the government when it introduced the Supporting People programme.
Tameside council received a Supporting People grant of £7.2 million in 2007/08 to meet the cost of its housing related support services. These include supported housing for older people, homeless people, teenage parents and women fleeing domestic violence. In addition the council receives £205,763 to pay for the costs of administering the Supporting People programme. Supporting People is the government`s funding and planning regime for the local delivery of housing-related support services to a wide range of vulnerable people.