We can do better: housing strategies

Conservatives have committed to scrapping home information packs as part of their housing strategy.

Speaking at the Conservative party conference in Blackpool, Shadow Housing Minister, Richard Shapps, said that a Conservative government would:

· recast the relationship between target-obsessed central government and bring power back to the people;
· incentivise local communities so that they will act to improve their communities by creating more homes;
· engage local residents so they€™ll decide how areas will benefit from development;
· scrap the government€™s flawed density targets;
· stop €˜garden grabbing€™ by changing the planning rules to recognise that brownfield does not mean gardens;
· scrap home information packs;
· abolish stamp duty for first-time buyers on homes under £250,000;
· introduce a new scheme to reward five years of good tenant behaviour with an equity share in their social housing.

Home Information Packs can provide you with all the information needed for understanding the property market.